Holy Week and Easter 2022

Sunday April 10, 2022 – Passion Sunday

9:00am Holy Communion in the Church

11:00am Family Service with Holy Communion in the Hall

Friday April 15, 2022 -Good Friday

10:00am Combined Churches Service in the Memorial Gardens

7:00pm Good Friday Service in the Church

Saturday April 16, 2022 – 6:00pm Praise and Potluck

This is a new and exciting Easter event at St Andrews, with a time of food and fellowship in the Hall before the worship (old and new) begins later in the evening. Rev’d Jacob has organised a special guest musician to lead us in worship as we prepare ourselves for Easter Sunday. Please bring a soup, casserole or other dish to share for dinner. All Welcome.

Sunday April 17, 2022 – Easter Sunday

9:00am Holy Communion in the Church

11:00am Family Service with Holy Communion in the Hall