February 2022

Published by Robyn Keath on

We are excited to now have Jacob and Sarah living the Rectory, but as we are still in a period of transition and have been mindful of the need to arrange and coordinate service times so that a sustainable pattern is established. We appreciated the flexibility that has been shown, especially by the saints in Tongala and Stanhope through the transition so far and prevail upon all to continue in that spirit through the next transition phase and as Jacob settles in.
        In order to make the provision of services work with those we have available the following will need to be in place for February and March:
         8:30am: Stanhope – (In February the 1st & 3rd Sundays lay led Morning Prayer, 2nd & 4th Holy Communion with Archdeacon George)
10am:  Kyabram.  Combined service. Venue to be decided (In the Hall during the heat of February)
1pm: Tongala.  Back to weekly services (In February either with Archdeacon George or relief clergy)

       This pattern involves everyone making some sacrifices, giving up preferred service times or combining, but I’m reminded of Paul’s words in our reading on Sunday from 1 Corinthians 12:12-31. “Just as we are all individually members of the one body of Christ, so too are our individual parishes and centres members of the one body, which means we must honour, serve, and sometimes sacrifice for, one another.”

February 6, Rev. Graham Snell

February 13, Archdeacon George Hemmings

February 20, To be advised

Jacob will be ordained as a Deacon at 11:00am on February 26 at St Paul’s Cathedral Bendigo

February 27, Rev Jacob Kelly – First Service

St Andrews Church by Randall Kohn
Categories: Worship